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  • Wild
  • Wild

    Despite its small size Sri Lanka boasts of one of the highest rates of biological endemism in the world whether in plants or animals and is included among the top five biodiversity hotspots in the world. Of the ninety-one species of mammals found in Sri Lanka Asian elephants, sloth bear, leopards, sambar and wild buffaloes engages the majority of the attention of wildlife enthusiast. Yet the rarest mammals of Sri Lanka are the red slender Loris, Toque Macaque, and Purple-faced Langur, who according to IUCN clarifications are endangered due to habitat loss.

  • Heritage
  • Heritage

    Heritage - With a history expanding over 3000years, Sri Lanka holds some of world’s ancient cities including Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa and Digamadulla; their once glorious townships, palaces, temples, monasteries, hospitals and theaters intricately carved and modeled out of stone lay and abandoned and forgotten with time amidst the soaring jungles.



    With nearly 1600 km of of palm fringed Coastline baked to perfection surrounding the country Sri Lanka is the ideal destination for beach bums worldwide. May it be windsurfing, kayaking, yachting, water skiing, scuba diving or jut lazing around for the perfect tan, Sri Lanka offers it all.


    With varying climates and Geography packed into a small island Sri Lanka offers a range of adventures from the top of the mountains to the depths of the oceans. Other than taking a dip in the oceans or snorkelling, scuba diving and surfing are the most popular beach sports in the country. Scuba diving has long history in the country. Today the oceans filled with coral gardens, multitude of exotic fishes and ancient wrecks Sri Lanka offers one of the best diving experiences in the world. Although comparatively new to the country surfing too has made its mark in the Southern and Eastern coasts of the island for the last twenty five years. The sea around Sri Lanka is also one of the most challenging marine game fishing locations while white water rafting, Kayaking and canoeing are some of the relatively new water sports practiced in the country.


    Sri Lanka is filled with romantic landscapes, governed by rising mountains, lush forests, ocean like tanks and gushing waterfalls, that it was considered the lost paradise by many a globe trotters, who fell upon the country. The golden beaches of the country had been praised for their picture postcard views since eternity. The dusk and dawn and many human activities connected to these times of the day creates a vibrant picture along the coasts of Sri Lanka.[...]

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    Wednesday, March 12, 2014

    Sinhala & Tamil New Year Festival- April 13th & 14th

    Sinhala & Tamil New Year Festival- April 13th & 14th

    When the sun moves from Pisces to Aries, the Sinhalese Buddhist and Tamil Hindus in Sri Lanka join forces to celebrate Aluth Avurudda – their mutual new year.
    This is also coincides with the time when the harvest ends, so the colorful fruit from the trees is collected in bulk to fuel the week long celebrations. Festivities are prepared well in advance and most of the country grinds to a halt as hundreds travel home to be with their families and stores close down in their wake – it can be impossible to track down the simplest of things just before it all starts.
    The rituals begin with the cleaning of the house and lighting of an oil lamp, and woman congregate to bash on the raban (drum) to warn others of the incipient change in the year. If you fail to hear this, a storm, firecrackers is bound to hammer the point home. Families indulge in a variety of rituals which are carefully determined by astrological calculations-from lighting the fire to making the kiri bath (milk rice) bath, to entering into the first business transaction and eating the first morsels.
    Once these are done, the partying really begins as families mingle in the streets, homes are thrown open and children are left out to play. The ubiquitous planting is dished out alongside celebratory feasts of kaung (small oil cake) and kokis (small and light sweetmeat, originally from Netherlands).
    Aluth Auvrudda has become an important national holidays for both the cultures of the Sinhalese Buddhists and the Tamil Hindu Sri Lankans, and is unique as such , as it is not celebrated elsewhere in the world. 
    If you are planning to visit Sri Lanka during this time of the year, please speak to your accommodation provider/ tour guide to see any events around. You will be able to participate in traditional Sinhala games and experience the essence of Sri Lanka.

    Wednesday, February 19, 2014

    Bird Watching in Sri Lanka

    Bird Watching in Sri Lanka

    Sri Lanka 's abundant bird-life makes the island a true Ornithologist's paradise. Of the 427 recorded species, 250 are resident and 23 are endemic to the country. With such a variety of environments ranging from wet to dry zone, forest to jungle, and hill country to low lands, there's no end to the fascinating locations in which to spot many of these beautiful birds. 

                Most of the endemic birds (such as the Sri Lankan grackle) are restricted to the wet zone, while birds such as the Sri Lanka whistling thrush and the yellow-eared bulbul reside in the hill country. Others, like the brilliantly plumaged jungle fowl, the striking red-faced malkoha and the shy brown-capped babbler can be found in forests and sanctuaries throughout the island. Among the best areas for sighting these birds are the SINHARAJA RAIN FOREST Reserve and the ADAM'S PEAK WILDERNESS SANCTUARY . The large lakes (irrigation reservoirs) in the dry zone attract numerous varieties of duck, while larger aquatic birds such as stork, heron, egret, spoonbill, pelican, and ibis can easily be seen in the wetlands, especially at Wirawila, Kalametiya and BUNDALA NATIONAL PARK (which is also famed for its large flocks of migrant flamingoes). Around mid-August the first migratory species arrive in Sri Lanka . Large flocks of sandpipers, stints, plovers, terns and harriers fly over from Nothern India, Siberia, Scandinavia and Western Europe and settle along the lagoons and salterns of the eastern, north-western and south-eastern coasts. In the forested areas of Sri Lanka , birds like migratory tree warblers, thrushes and cuckoos can be seen.

    Sunday, February 9, 2014


     Adventurous Arugam Bay
                                                                Adventurous Arugam Bay
    Amazing Anuradhapura
                                                                Amazing Anuradhapura
    Beautiful Bandarawela
                                                                Beautiful Bandarawela
    Cosmopolitan Colombo
                                                                  Cosmopolitan Colombo
    Cultural Kandy
                                                                       Cultural Kandy
    Divine Dambulla
                                                                           Divine Dambulla
    Gorgeous Galle
                                                                        Gorgeous Galle
    Handy Hambantota
                                                                     Handy Hambantota
    Happening Hikkaduwa
                                                                Happening Hikkaduwa
    Marvelous Matale
                                                                     Marvelous Matale
    Noteworthy Negombo
                                                                Noteworthy Negombo
    Picturesque Nuwara Eliya
                                                          Picturesque Nuwara Eliya
    Precious Polonnaruwa
                                                                 Precious Polonnaruwa
    Purposeful Pinnawala
                                                                  Purposeful Pinnawala
    Stunning Sigiriya
                                                                       Stunning Sigiriya
    Terrific Trincomalee
                                                                      Terrific Trincomalee
    Tranquil Tangalle
                                                                         Tranquil Tangalle
    Unbelievable Unawatuna
                                                                 Unbelievable Unawatuna
    Yearn for Yala
                                                                          Yearn for Yala

    Tuesday, February 4, 2014

    Vesak Festival May 14th - Sri Lanka

    Vesak Festival May 14th - Sri Lanka

    Vesak is the main Buddhist religious festival in Sri Lanka. During this time, people celebrate the triple anniversary of Lord Buddha - his birth, his attaining of Enlightenment and his passing away into Nirvana.

    Also known as the Buddhist Festival of Light, colorful bamboo framed lanterns adorn the interior of every home and incredible luminous displays decorate the streets of most towns. Visit Bhauddoloka Mawatha, the main street in Colombo, to catch this glowing spectacle in full glory.